Pacificstream had several meetings in different places, one of them being at Tracy, one of our artists’ lovely home which is made out of driftwood and other up cycled and eco building materials..She even has a driftwood kitchen!!!
Our ideas so far combine a number of concepts, which include the use of sustainably sourced greenwood for crafting furniture legs, to using old tyres and textiles and upholster them into funky furniture. We are also organising some print workshops which will hopefully allow us to explore the use of recycled paints and various different ‘found surfaces’ to work on…..
So one of the things that Jane, our art director has been doing is building some green woodworking equipment to make the furniture legs. She built a shave horse which is a piece of equipment that allows you to shave down freshly cut wood and more recently she made a pole lathe which is used to turn the wood…she is still learning the woodturning techniques though!!! She also worked with local rangers to collect the wood from a sustainable heathland, just outside Liverpool in Wirral. The tyre stool is still in a prototype stage at the moment, but we are looking to upholster it in brightly coloured funky designs.
As an example, one of our artists has been making some collage work with stamps, as you can see in the photo, which we may bring into the print work.
Its all a work in progress, but once we have a workspace, we are really hoping to gather some interesting materials to work with. We will also be thinking about making smaller items like notebooks from recycled textiles, and possibly some jewellery from computer wires.
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