Artists at INTRAS

The artists at INTRAS are people having any kind of severe and prolonged mental illness (mainly schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) and that regularly attend to the day center run by the foundation in Toro (Zamora). The group is composed by ten people (8 women and 2 men) over 30 years old, living in rural areas and, in most of the cases, without any family.

Their abilities and interests are very heterogeneous: drawing, painting, collage, ceramics, textile, papier mache, etc. Most of them have found in art a vehicle to express themselves and a reason to wake up every day. Also, the artcycling workshops are a moment to share experiences and knowledge with other colleagues as well as an excuse to meet together and train social skills.

Art is a powerful empowerment tool for artcyclers at INTRAS. It is a way not only to make themselves visible for the general society but also useful to provoke a critical thinking about things around us.