We don’t have ideal Hungarian expressionswhich would separate the differences among these concepts of sustainability. Reduce means the cutting down of materials (even commodity) we use or purchase, the reduction of the unnecessary wrapping, for what we can find many great inspirations and initiatives nowadays. If you would like to Recycle, you have to take a cretive step!
With the Retextil Foundation we are committed to recycle textiles. We create jewellery, furnitures, swings, toys, art installations, tents and all kinds of things out of textile. If you decide to recycle a material, only your imagination can stop you from making amazing things and giving cheerful experiences.
Even if you choose to recycle, reuse or reduce, you already took a great step in the direction for reducing your carbon footprint. Come and get some inspiration from Retextil by checking our furniture catalogue: https://issuu.com/retextil/docs/retextil_furniture_catalogue
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